Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The New Nursery

The pink wardrobe is no longer pink! I'm sure Shiff will be glad of that! And all thanks to Judy! Thanks, Sassy!!

So yes, we moved to a new house while 8 months pregnant! Crazy, huuh?? So glad it's over but could not have done it without the help of my mamma and aunt, Judy! They packed most of the stuff up and worked harder than me! So here are some pics of the nursery in the new house!

My most favorite part of the whole nursery! The handpainted pictures from my aunt, Judy, a.k.a. Sassy! Can't wait to show baby Shiff!

Crib... finally made up!


Okay, so we're nearing the end! 37 weeks plus a few days now. Don't think the belly can get much bigger and we're so ready to meet our little boy! Things have gone along without a hitch and I sure hope things come out that way!! I feel sure this will be the last belly shot before his big arrival... but we'll post more when he gets here!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nursery Updates

So we're getting pretty excited about the little one coming... things are going fine with the baby. He never seems to take a nap anymore, but instead jumps and kicks all the time! We start going to the doctor every two weeks now. He'll be here before we know it!

We've found some steals and deals for stuff for the nursery... we'll be painting/refinishing some of it, but for now... here's a peek...

Found this dresser at a local antique store in Charlottesville... will be using as the changing table...

Got great deals on 2 lamps and the rug at a lamp place in Arkansas... Lee loved how much I had bought and all that our friends had given us when they were loading up the truck!!

Again with the pink wardrobe, soon to be another color.. and the cool antique mirror...

Ellie's hanging out... she wanted to be included...

That's all for now! Updated pics later!

29 weeks

Well the time is getting closer... only 75 days until Little Shifflett is due!!
Are you getting nervous??? I think I am!

Sunday, December 19, 2010